Monday, February 1, 2016

My new companion is Sister Duiai. She is from the Federated states of Micronesia from an island called Pohnpei. She speaks a language that she calls "Polynesian language" which is not even a recognized language... Yeah, so that's totally cool! She grew up on this island called Kapingamarangi... Say that 10 times fast! I love her! From the first time I saw her I knew we were going to be friends. She is a wonderful companion and a faithful missionary.

So cultures are different from the island of Pohnpei in Micronesia to America, right...?
Well one day during lunch we were standing in the kitchen and I hear this loud metal scraping noise. I quickly turn around to find that Sister Duiai had jabbed a knife down into the can and proceeded to open it ... With a knife... I laughed and said "hey there sister...
Uhh what are you doin'?  Have you ever used a can opener before?" That day we learned how to use a can opener and then later we learned how we have a freezer and a refrigerator so we shouldn't put our eggs in the freezer... That story is pretty self explanatory... I love our differences. It is so fun to be her companion!

We have been learning how to do a plethora of other things such as exercise, scanning items at Walmart, knocking on doors, and keeping eye contact and such! She is so great and has a wonderful spirit about her. She is very easily corrected and loves to learn. She has a great memory too, which comes in handy as a missionary. Training has been a lot of learning so far... For me! I feel the full weight of our area and it can be hard trying to slowly pass things over to Sister Duiai as she learns to be responsible for the work too but I am not alone in any of this great work!

We just put our 4th person on date this week. The work is moving forward. We have truly been blessed. Just earlier this week I didn't feel like things were going very well and then Heavenly Father answered our fervent prayers. I think Alma 26 describes my feelings at
this point...

To end.. here is a great question from a song by THE LOWER LIGHTS called
"I had a real good Mother and Father"

"What good is my journey if I miss out on eternity?"
That's right! Don't miss out on eternity!

Aloha Idi Koe, (Polynesian language)
Sister Zimmerman

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