Tuesday, September 13, 2016

...and there are not extra's!

Okey Dokey Folks it's gonna' be a short one today...like almost every other week 😉 Lot's of miracles this week but as always there is never enough time to share them so here's a little thought for this week!

At the Member Missionary Fireside this week sister Townsend gave a wonderful training about how Christ's atonement was very individual. We are all God's children and He knows us perfectly. He gave us His perfect son so that we can be free from the bonds of sin and death to ultimately live with Him again. When we are lost the good shepherd will find us and feed us and heal our wounds if we will let Him heal us. Because of this perfectly deep and individual sacrifice there are no "extras". It's not the good vs. the rest ... or those who believe and everybody else....We are all God's children and Christ suffered for us equally. I love that. All are included. The blessings are available to all who will seek and knock.
Let us reach out and share this knowledge with others so that they can feel the love of Christ's Atoning sacrifice in their lives.

Have a wonderful week!
- Sister Zimmerman

And now...What these e-mails are really all about... PICTURES!!!

- the first picture is of the cute Vargas kids who creeped up on our car and scared us so we taught them a lesson and sister Colbert took some stalker pics while I was giving out fist bumps.

- a mop that looks like an old man... Because what's the point of having a mop if you can't scare all the neighborhood kids while the mop dries.

- selfie of the week

- an old district pic from back in the Toro zone

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